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Peter Ablinger:
Instrumente und ElektroAkustisch Ortsbezogene Verdichtung

The basic operation for the IEAOV pieces is always the "verticalization" or "condensation": By condensation successive events are transformed into the simultaneity of a spectrum. A succession of sounds as an input (the "palette") turns into a color of sound as an output.

More examples with individual verticalisations from 2 pieces of the IEAOV series:

"IEAOV/Das Blaue vom Himmel" (cello: Michael Moser):
"IEAOV/"Homage to the Square" (clarinet: Christian Vogel):

Komplette Liste aller IEAOV Stücke
Full list of IEAOV pieces

for scores and details contact the publisher:

Bryan Eubanks, Gotzkowskystr. 15, D-10555 Berlin,
T: +49 / 176 / 47 39 29 97,

A Note on Programming Series

Detailierte technische Dokumentation mit sämtlichen MAX-Patches anhand des Stückes: IEAOV ("PORTRAITS"), 2 Violinen

Related Pieces and Forerunners:
A rough version of a "verticalisation" - a C-mayor scale, the white keys of a piano - by 12 tape recorders: Weiss/Weisslich 6

Another forerunner: the "verticalisation" of a cough (excerpt from a piece called "Die Toten husten nicht") from 1979: The verticalisation of a cough

"Verticalisation" in freejazz: Peter Ablinger Sextett 1978/79 (excerpt) (tenor-saxophones: Johannes Barthelmes, Walter Gauchel; violin: Andy Schreiber; piano: Peter Ablinger; bass: Jeff Wohlgenannt; drums: Hans Butt)

Weiss/Weisslich 22, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Bruckner, Mahler

Sehen und Hören / Seeing and Hearing, photographic verticalisation, since 1994

A prestudy for the IEAOV series, produced at Experimentalstudie Freiburg, April 1995. The following excerpt is derived from a static verticalisation of all white piano keys (left channel) and a parallel, slow, eight minutes shift of the same verticalisation from C Mayor to C# (right channel): Quadratstudie 1995

See also: Augmented Studies - The Series

See also: Rauschen / White Noise Pieces

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impressum \ this page was created by Aljoscha Hofmann \  last edited 29.12.2012