Peter Ablinger:
Instrumente und ElektroAkustisch Ortsbezogene Verdichtung
2 Violinen (1995/96), 28'
2vl, electronics, 28'
> general introduction to IEAOV pieces
The second of IEAOV pieces: Instrumente und ElektroAkustisch Ortsbezogene Verdichtung ("Portraits"), 2 violins, composed 1995/96, for Gundelind Jäch-Micko and Dimitrios Polisoidis; software: Robert Höldrich, Thomas Musil, IEM Graz, Austria. Premiered: Musikhochschule Graz, Austria, 1996
left: detail from rokoko annunciation, Joanneum Graz,
right: spectral lines from both of the portrayed violins
IEAOV ("Portraits") is a portrait of 2 violins. The score of the piece is derived from the analyses of two instruments: the violin of Gundelind Jäch-Micko and the other one of Dimitrios Polisoidis (both members of the Ensemble Klangforum Wien).
Requirements for IEAOV ("Portraits"):
2 violins, MaxMSP, 2 microphones, 4 or 6 loudspeakers
The dense electroacoustic structures differ only in color and texture. The more material is condensed, the denser the structure of the static noise, until distinctive single sounds are hardly perceptible. Time has ceased to be a perception-defining dimension of sound-structure. (Christian Scheib)
drawing from sketch books, representing the form of the piece
> Beschreibung der elektronischen Klangbearbeitung von Robert Höldrich, IEM Graz (pdf, 129KB)
> page 12 from score
> listen to the last 50 seconds of the piece (violins: Gundelind Jäch-Micko, Dimitrios Polisoidis)
> Text zur IEAOV-Serie
> complete list of IEAOV pieces
> general introduction to IEAOV pieces
> Komplette technische Dokumentation mit sämtlichen MAX-Patches anhand des Stückes: IEAOV ("PORTRAITS"), 2 Violinen
Software development: Robert Hölderich, Thomas Musil, IEM Graz
Implementation, final version: Wolfgang Musil
for score and software contact the publisher:
Bryan Eubanks, Gotzkowskystr. 15, D-10555 Berlin,
T: +49 / 176 / 47 39 29 97,