Peter Ablinger:
Instrumente und ElektroAkustisch Ortsbezogene Verdichtung
Violoncello (1995-97), 16'
vc, electronics, 16'
> general introduction to IEAOV pieces
The third of IEAOV pieces: Instrumente und ElektroAkustisch Ortsbezogene Verdichtung ("Das Blaue vom Himmel"), violoncello, composed 1995-97, for Michael Moser; system design: Winfried Ritsch, Thomas Musil, IEM Graz (performance version by Wolfgang Musil, Vienna); Field recordings: Peter Ablinger; Premiered: Musikprotokoll des Steirischen Herbst, Graz, Austria, 1997
Peter Ablinger: photograph from the series "Seeing and Hearing"
In IEAOV ("Das Blaue vom Himmel") the inside-acoustic of the body of the cello and the outside-acoustic of a short field-recording are merged into a wide "blue" spectrum, a space for real and "faked" illusions.
The piece has been written for cellist Michael Moser. Its highly virtuous central section almost could have been the transcription of one of his cello improvisations.
Requirements for IEAOV ("Das Blaue vom Himmel"):
violincello, MaxMSP, microphone and pic-up microphone, 4 - 8 loudspeakers
"Verdichtung", the increase of density through layering transforms each temporal succession into the simultaneousness of a spectrum. What was input as a sequence of sounds ("Palette") is output as a timbre. Not only the pitch but each single part of a sound including all transients determines the resulting colour. The temporal and the spectral course cannot be distinguished any more. Time as such has become identical with colour. "Verdichtung" of instrumental sounds has made it clear that in music there can exist neither areas nor lines. There can only be a more or less distinct homogeneity, like a blue sky without any clouds; nobody would ever think of interpreting the blue sky as an area, apart from a painter maybe ...
diagram from the score, outlining the form and main cues of the piece
> page 12 from score
> listen (violoncello: Michael Moser)
> CD (vc: Michael Moser)
> SACD (vc: Martina Schucan)
> documentation of "Das Blaue vom Himmel" at PPEAM, Zürich
> Text zur IEAOV-Serie
> complete list of IEAOV pieces
> general introduction to IEAOV pieces
Software development: Winfried Ritsch, Thomas Musil, IEM Graz
Implementation, final version: Wolfgang Musil
for score and software contact the publisher:
Bryan Eubanks, Gotzkowskystr. 15, D-10555 Berlin,
T: +49 / 176 / 47 39 29 97,