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Peter Ablinger:
Hören Sie!

sketches for a piece with computer piano and large amateur choir

"choir", drawing from the "city opera" sketchbooks, Los Angeles 2001

"Hören Sie!"
a short study from 2013:
listen, 0:26 (alternative player)

"Mic Check With Speaking Piano"
short study from 2022:
listen, 0:56 (alternative player)

"People's People", for Violin and Wallstreet
"Moabiter Chöre", for speaking choir and trafic

Kulturschätze der Menschheit solidarisieren sich mit der Letzten Generation
Cultural Treasures of Humankind stand in solidarity with the Last Generation

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impressum \ this page was created by Aljoscha Hofmann \  last edited 31.07.2013 CET