Peter Ablinger
6/12/18 world-receivers, 4'/8'/12'
the score:
6 radios (world-receivers)
tuned to white noise (FM noise)
packed into a shoulder bag
stay on one end of a long hallway
silent in the beginning
take the 1st receiver out of the bag
switch it on
and lay it on the ground
go to next position
take the 2nd receiver out of the bag
switch it on
and lay it on the ground
and so on until the last radio
(see short script below)
after you have been walking back to position 1:
pick up radio 1
switch it off
put it back into the bag
go to position 2
equal distances between radios
short script:
(face towards position 6)
switch on 1-6
walk back to 1
switch off 1-6
(turn around: face towards position 1)
switch on 6-1
walk back to 6
switch off 6-1
versions with 12 or 18 radios are also possible
at 10" per unit the piece lasts
ca. 4 minutes with 6 radios
ca. 8 minutes with 12 radios
ca. 12 minutes with 18 radios
also a slower execution is possible
(a "unit" is the duration from one radio to the next)
(English edited by Simon Charles)