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Peter Ablinger:
Fallstudie (2002-08)

1-Personen-Kino für Video und Stille

Foto: Maria Tržan

"Fallstudie", auch, weil man plötzlich in die Gegenwart fällt...

Ein Glas wird über eine Tischplatte geschoben (als Loop); erst wenn sich jemand auf den einzigen Stuhl im Raum setzt, wird der Loop verlassen, das Bild zoomt etwas heraus, die Tischkante wird sichtbar, das Ende absehbar: Aber im Moment wo das Glas fällt, schalten sich Projektion UND Projektor ab, und man ist allein in einem Raum.
(1) Scholastik, from: "Überlegungen" (Konvolut 2), ca. 1982; (2) Fallstudie 1994, drawing from notebooks

see also:
Transition Pieces

Set-up notes for "Fallstudie":

A room, preferably not a room designed especially for video projection or art. Just a room. a chair. and a video, projected directly onto the wall. Quite a casual and "unprofessional" way of projection: no large image, not at all a dark room, maybe daylight.

The "projector" is a soundproof case containing the video projector and the controlling computer. A small and invisible loudspeaker is directed from the computer to the outside of the case.

Under one leg of the chair is a sensor, connected to the computer, and being activated when someone takes place on the chair.

When a visitor is entering the room the loop is already running. The real sound of the projector's ventilator is suppressed by the soundproof case, while the loudspeaker creates the sound of a recorded ventilator. When the person sits down the loop-mode skips to the coda of the piece, which subsequently follows within a minute. The moment the glass falls the projector stops - therefore, giving the impression of it being turned off. In actual fact the computer only stopped the projection of light and the recorded sound of the ventilator. The room is silent now. Without any screen (frame). Just a room. This is the moment that the piece - by means of this fake machine - is constructed. In a way the piece starts exactly when it ends.

The room will stay silent until the visitor leaves the chair. A couple of seconds after the sensor has recorded this, the loop will start again and the piece is ready for the next visitor.

left: chair and projector; right: chair and screened image
"Hearing Listening", Haus am Waldsee, Berlin 2008
computer-controlled video-projection designed by Winfried Ritsch
(english note edited by Austin Buckett)

for performing materials contact the publisher:
Bryan Eubanks, Gotzkowskystr. 15, D-10555 Berlin,
T: +49 / 176 / 47 39 29 97,

Irreversible - 3 Solos


Hommage á Godard

"Hommage á Godard" performed by Javad Molania and Negar Ramzi

Die Welt und ihr Ende

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impressum \ this page was created by Aljoscha Hofmann \  last edited 30.06.2008 CET