Peter Ablinger:
Studien nach der Natur
10 kleine Stücke für 6 Stimmen (1995,2002), ca. 8'
3 Frauen-, 3 Männerstimmen
"Studies after Nature"; 10 small pieces for 6 voices, 3 female, 3 male
Studies after Nature, piece 10 from the score
Listen to 3 pieces from "Studien nach der Natur", piece 2 and 10 performed by Ensemble Zwischentöne, piece 8 by the piano class of Johannes Marian and Jaime Wolfson:
Piece 2
Piece 8 ("Rainpiece")
Piece 10
vollständige Partitur, deutsch (255 KB)
full score, english (231 KB)
CD (GreyWing Ensemble)
Studien nach der Natur
Die 10 kurzen Stücke sind vokale Imitationen meist ganz alltäglicher Klänge: Autoverkehr, Zigarettenrauchen, das Summen einer Leuchtstoffröhre, das Ticken einer Quarzuhr, etc. - das, was uns ständig umgibt.
Die "Motive" der 10 Stücke
Das Meer
Gelse (Mücke)
Der Wind (in einem Doppelfenster)
Elektrisches Summen
Startendes Auto
Studies after Nature
Another way of observing reality via music in my work. This time "unplugged", non technology based, almost naive, like children's drawings. 10 short pieces, simple imitations of sounds that surround us every day, like: a starting car, a mosquito, a quartz watch, the noises while smoking a cigarette, ...
The motives of the 10 pieces: free way, the sea, mosquito, smoking, quartz watch, the wind (between a double window), the hum of electricity, water drops, train, starting car (engl. unedited)
see also:
Freiluftkompositionen / En plain air composition