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Peter Ablinger:
KANON (2017)
from: "Augmented Studies"

für 6 Celli oder für 1 Cello und 5 Delays

Kanon, full score

listen to a detail of the "Kanon"
(Michael Moser: cello, Wolfgang Musil: electronics, premiere of the piece, September 2019)

if the piece is played with 6 celli the second red line is omitted and the piece lasts 7'20";
if the piece is played by one cello with 5 delays (or a prerecorded tape version would also be an option) the second red line is repeated by the one live performer, and the piece lasts 8:00

note on the delay version:
the delay version seems to be more appealing then the tape version. but it is also more challenging. especially to deal with/reduce the feedback. on top of other measures in this regard the sound engineer can set a high pass filter to all the electronic output (the delays), starting short after the entry of cello 6 at about 50 Hz, with a gliding range that allways follows cello 6 up until 3500Hz where the electronic output is closed anyway and leaves the solo cello alone for its last phase. (english un-edited)

for a printed score and more details contact the publisher:
Bryan Eubanks, Gotzkowskystr. 15, D-10555 Berlin,
T: +49 / 176 / 47 39 29 97,

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impressum \ this page was created by Aljoscha Hofmann \  last edited 28.07.2017 CET