Weiss/weisslich 11, 40 Fotos, 2013
Klänge fotografieren
"Ich muss ein Gerät finden, das diese Klänge nicht nur beschreibt, sondern aufzeichnet, sie fotografiert." (Dsiga Wertow um 1916)
In 2013, on request of some style and trend magazine, called "Husk", I wrote one of my listening protocols: "WEISS/WEISSLICH 11B9, 20.9.2013, 13:35-14:15, BERLIN GUERICKSTRASSE AT THE STUDIO’S OPEN DOORS". The magazine also asked for some photos to accompany the text. So, before I started writing at the opened front doors of my Berlin atelier, I shot a series of photographs of the situtation that i was going to transcribe in words. At first this was just done as a secondary element of the process. But then I watched the series of pictures again and again until I understood they could exist on its own - - - the photo series as a sound piece or a piece of music! (English un-edited)
for photographs in better resolution contact the publisher:
Bryan Eubanks, Gotzkowskystr. 15, D-10555 Berlin,
T: +49 / 176 / 47 39 29 97, zeitvertrieb@proton.me