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Peter Ablinger:
Becken und Instrumente

21a:"Analytische Integration", (1994,96), türkisches Becken, Streichinstrument ad lib., variable Länge, zB.8'
21b:"Isabels Trio", Vl, Vc, türkisches Becken, (1999), 12'
21c: Becken und Instrumente (2011)

"Analytische Integration", Notebook 1994

There is no significant difference between Weiss/weisslich 21a, 21b and 21c, except that 21b was the first version with more than one string instrument (It is called "Isabel's Trio" because it was Isabel Requejo Perez who brought up the idea for this version), and 21c, which is open for any duration and any instrumentation that can reproduce the analysed pitches in a sustained way.
> The premiere of "Isabel's Trio", 12 Minutes long, 9MB

"Weiss/weisslich 21c", Atelier du Plateau, Paris 2013, Hodos Ensemble: Pierre-Antoine Badaroux (sax), Sebastien Beliah (cb), Félicie Bazaire (vc), Amarylis Billet (vl), Antonin Gerbal (perc), Fidel Fourneyron (trb), Elodie Gaudet (va), Joris Rühl (cl)

further versions of the piece:

Flöte (Bassfl,grFl,Picc) und Schlagzeug (4 türkische Becken), (1999-2001), variable Länge, z.B.16'
(auch in der Version:)
2 Flöten (Bassfl,grFl,Picc), 2 Schlagzeuger (4 türkische Becken), (2001), 12'30"

spectral analyses of a cymbal, prepared by Robert Höldrich, IEM Graz, Austria

(English notes edited by Andrew Smith)

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impressum \ this page was created by Aljoscha Hofmann \  last edited 18.08.2018 CET