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Peter Ablinger:
Weiss/Weisslich 25b




the piece exists only in its title, and is just what its title says: earplugs

see also:

Ohren zu/auf
2 Notizbucheinträge

reference pieces
pieces which exist only in its title; one can execute or visit, do or think them

Weiss/Weisslich 25a
mouth, eyes, ears shut

Weiss/Weisslich 25c

Weiss/Weisslich 32
acoustic interruption

for a group of performers

Weiss/Weisslich 25b, Earplugs, at Shalman Galery, Tehran 2013 (left),
and Sanatorium of Sound, Sokołowsko 2023 (right)

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impressum \ this page was created by Aljoscha Hofmann \  last edited 31.07.2002 CET