for CD and orchestra,4.2.2.,Harp,Piano,, 69 minutes
Several of the "phonographs" of the 1st act play a leading role in the 2nd act (as well as the 7th, see below), The Orchestra, here performed by the recreation Orchestra Graz in the Helmut List Hall- a work itself in ten tableaux and eleven intermezzi.
catchwords by Peter Ablinger for
2nd Act (the Orchestra):
the orchestra as Trojan Horse:
via phonography, procuring the city-recordings the highest possible podium;
orchestra and phonography;
like hand-colored photos;
givenness and handwriting;
the opposition of contingency and culture;
the opposition of continuum (noise, life) and grid (music, perception);
concert situation, collective hearing
As elementary building blocks for the entire compositional architecture, certain sequences from the 1st act, the city-sound archive (as topoi of urban landscapes), become the stereophonic surroundings of the orchestra, which in sound-images follow this particular musical/topographical surveying of the city.
A space-sound-composition in 10 tableaus and 11 intermezzi, a concert for 60 instrumentalists, and electronics - a 'phonography' with the recreation Orchestra Graz under the musical direction of Sian Edwards.
Text: Wolfgang Hofer, translated by Bill Dietz
detail from the score: THE ORCHESTRA, Intermezzo 8, Rainpiece
pdf-file, 243KB
> listen: THE ORCHESTRA, Intermezzo 4, "Backyard (for Alvin Lucier)"
> listen: THE ORCHESTRA, Tableau V, "Plabutsch (Tunnel 2)"
> listen: THE ORCHESTRA, Tableau II, "Endless-Cassette"
> listen: THE ORCHESTRA, Tableau VIII, "A + O"
> listen: THE ORCHESTRA, Intermezzo 11, "Record"
THE ORCHESTRA in the Helmut List-Hall, Graz,
with the recreation orchester and Sian Edwards (cond.);
Photos: Elvira Klamminger, Drawings: Peter Ablinger
see also: PHONOREALISM, texts and notes, engl. and german
the 7 Acts of the Cityopera - go to: